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Watercolor: Hair to Spare - 14.5" x 10.5"


Our assignment was to paint a picture using a "triad," a technical term in color theory. My triad was yellow-orange, blue-green, and red-violet. I mixed each of the colors; none was straight from the tube. The subject is carefully cropped from a full-length figure (Aubrey) on Croquis Cafe (copyright free). I especially enjoy the fluidity of the hair with the arms and hands. My teacher said it reminded her of a Maxfield Parrish figure -- which is a high compliment indeed. Watercolor, 14.5" x 10.5".

Ralph F. Wilson Watercolors
P.O. Box 565, Loomis, California 95650
phone (916) 652-4659
All art works are copyright by Ralph F. Wilson. All rights reserved.